To encourage people irrespective of caste, creed, sex, race, religion or place of birth to develop to the fullest their innate potential as human beings as exemplified by the great human being and the enlightened teacher the Buddha and other great human beings and wise men through practices conducive to that development such as the systematic cultivation of wisdom, morality, compassion, meditation, loving kindness, and such like

Upcoming Events

Nagaloka Events

At Nagaloka, we promote, aid and conduct the programs and activities such as retreats, Sunday meditation and talks, Purnima (Full Moon Day) Celebrations, training, seminars, workshops, conferences, information exchange and networking for strengthening and enhancement of the Non-Governmental organizations working for the social, educational, cultural, spiritual and economic development of the people and especially for the underprivileged members of the society. 

View all our events and activities schedule in this calendar. Click the dates to view the complete details and the registration forms to participate.

Nagaloka Talk Series Recordings

Youtube Playlists of all the talks. Click below section to view.